ECOI Publications
ECOI's Annual reports
Electronic Communications Office of Iceland (ECOI) annually publishes a report on its operations. Look for Ársskýrslur Fjarskiptastofu ( ECOI's annual reports) in the search engine above.
ECOI's Statistics reports
The Electronic Communications Office of Iceland publishes a statistical report on the Icelandic electronic communications market twice a year. Look for Tölfræðiskýrslur Fjarskiptastofu (ECOI's statistics reports) in the search engine above.
Nordic telecommunications reports
A database on telecommunication use has been published annually for the Nordic countries, i.e. Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. The Baltic countries have been included since 2013.
The data consists of a selected number of variables that are comparable between the Nordic and Baltic countries
The figures are collected and validated by the Nordic-Baltic working group on statistics and definitions.
If not stated otherwise the source for all figures are the relevant national regulatory agencies and/or the national statistical agencies of each country. Look for Norrænar tölfræðiskýrslur (Nordic telecommunications reports) in the search engine above.
Other reports and publications
ECOI publishes periodically various reports, brochures and other publications. Look for Annað útgefið efni ( Other reports and publications) in the search engine above.