News Archive
23. June 2016
PTA´s Annual Report for 2015
The Post- and Telecom Administration in Iceland (PTA) has published its Annual Report for the year 2015.
22. June 2016
Nordic and Baltic statistics report: Fast and steady increase in data transfer on mobile networks
The annual statistics database on telecommunication use in the Nordic and Baltic countries has been published. The database includes Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden plus the Baltic countries, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
3. May 2016
New statistics report on the Icelandic telecommunications market in 2015
The PTA has published a statistics report on the Icelandic electronics communications market for 2013 - 2015.
23. December 2015
Season´s greetings
Season´s greetings and a happy new year from all of us at the PTA.
3. November 2015
PTA´s statistics report on the Icelandic telecommunications market - first half of 2015
The PTA has published a statistics report on the Icelandic electronic communications market in the first half of 2015.
27. August 2015
Nordic regulators support more focused regulation
The Nordic regulators for electronic communications have prepared a common position on the Digital Single Market Strategy, which the European Commission published in May this year and is currently actively consulting on it.
23. June 2015
Nordic and Baltic statistics report: Fast increase in data transfer on mobile networks
The annual statistics database on telecommunication use in the Nordic and Baltic countries has been published. The database includes Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden plus the Baltic countries, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
27. April 2015
New statistics report on the Icelandic telecommunications market in 2014
The statistics report is an in-depth information on the fixed network, mobile network, internet and income and investment.