Market Analysis and Statistics
Market Analysis
Markets according to ESA´s recommendation from 2016
Market 1: Wholesale call termination on individual public telephone networks provided at a fixed location
Market 2: Wholesale voice call termination on individual mobile networks
Market 3:
- Wholesale local access provided at a fixed location
- Wholesale central access provided at a fixed location for mass-market products
Market 4: Wholesale high-quality access provided at a fixed location
Markets according to ESA´s recommendation from 2008
Market 1 - Access to the fixed telephone networks (earlier m1-2)
Market 2 - Call origination on the fixed telephone network (earlier m8)
Market 3 - Call termination on individual fixed telephone networks (earlier m9)
Market 4 - Wholesale access to the local loop (earlier m11)
Market 5 - Wholesale broadband access (earlier m12)
Market 6 - Wholesale terminating segments of leased lines (earlier m13)
Market 7 - Voicel call termination on individual mobile networks (earlier m16), M7, 2nd round
Laws and regulations
- Act no. 70/2022 - Electronics Communications Act. (In English)
In case of any discrepancy between the English version and the Icelandic version the latter shall prevail.
ECOI's Statistics reports
The Electronic Communiations Office of Iceland publishes a statistical report on the Icelandic electronic communications market twice a year.
Statistics for the Icelandic Telecommunications Market for 2021 (12. may 2022)
Background data
External links:
PFS Dashboard of Telecom Statistics
Older reports:
Statistics for the Icelandic Telecommunications Market for the first half 2021 (29. november 2021)
Background data
Statistics for the Icelandic Telecommunications Market for 2020 (29. april 2021)
Background data
Statistics for the Icelandic Telecommunications Market for the first half 2020 (18. desember 2020)
Background data
Statistics for the Icelandic telecommunications Market for 2019 (14. May 2020)
Background data
Statistics for the Icelandic Telecommunications Market for the first half 2019 (28. November 2019 - Updated December 3rd 2019)
Background data (Updated December 3rd 2019)
- Statistics for the Icelandic Telecommunications Market 2018 (4. June 2018)
- Statistics for the Icelandic Telecommunications Market for the first half 2018 (29. November 2018)
Statistics on the Icelandic Telecommunications Market 2017 (9. May 2018)/ Background data (Excel file)
Statistics on the Icelandic Telecommunications Market for the first half of 2017 (13. Nov. 2017)/ Background data (Excel file)
Statistics on the Icelandic Telecommunications Market 2016 (16. May 2017) / Background data (Excel file)
Statistics on the Icelandic Telecommunications Market for the first half of 2016 (10. Nov. 2016) / Background data (Excel file)
Statistics on the Icelandic Telecommunications Market 2015 (3. May 2016) / Background data (Excel file)
Statistics on the Icelandic Telecommunications Market for the first half of 2015 (6. Nov. 2015)/ Background data (Excel file)
Statistics on the Icelandic electronic communications market 2014 (April 2015)/ Background data (Excel file)
Statistics on the Icelandic electronic communications market for the first half of 2014 (October 2014) Background data (Excel file)
Statistics on the Icelandic electronic communications market 2013 (Published 14.04.2014) Background data 2013
Statistics on the Icelandic electronic communications market for the first half of 2013 (PDF) (Nov. 2013) - Background data (Excel file)
Statistics on the Icelandic electronic communications market 2012 (PDF) (May 2013) - Background data (Excel file)
Statistics on the Icelandic electronic communications market for the first half of 2012 (November 2012) - Background data (Excel file)
Statistics on the Icelandic electronic communications market 2011 (PDF) (May 2012) - Background data (Excel file)
Statistics on the Icelandic electronic communications market for the first half of 2011 (PDF) ( November 2011) - Background data (Excel file)
Statistics on the Icelandic electronic communications market 2010 (PDF) (May 2011) - Background data (Excel file)
Statistics on the Icelandic electronic communications market for the first half of 2010 (PDF) (3. November 2010) - Background data (Excel file)
Statistics report on the Icelandic electronic communications market 2009 (PDF) (v.2, June 2011) - Background data (Excel file) (v.2, June 2011)
Statistics on the Icelandic electronic communications market for the first half of 2009 (PDF)(v.2, May 2010)
Statistics on the Icelandic electronic communications market 2008 (PDF) (v.2, May 2010)
Statistics on the Icelandic electronic communications market for the first half of 2008 (PDF)
Statistics on the Icelandic electronic communications market 2007 (PDF)
Statistics on the Icelandic electronic communications market 2006 (PDF)
Nordic telecommunications reports
A database on telecommunication use has been published annually for the nordic countries, i.e. Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. The Baltic countries have been included since 2013.
The data consists of a selected number of variables that are comparable between the Nordic and Baltic countries
The figures are collected and validated by the Nordic-Baltic working group on statistics and definitions.
If not stated otherwise the source for all figures are the relevant national regulatory agencies and/or the national statistical agencies of each country
Below are the annual data reports from the year 2009 and onward.
Telecommunication Markets in the Nordic and baltic Countries 2017 (PDF)
Telecommunication Markets in the Nordic and Baltic Countries 2016 (PDF)
Telecommunication Markets in the Nordic and Baltic Countries 2015 (PDF)
Telecommunication Markets in the Nordic and Baltic Countries 2014 (PPT)
Telecommunication Markets in the Nordic and Baltic Countries 2013 (PDF)
Telecommunication Markets in the Nordic and Baltic Countries 2012 (PDF) (Estonia and Lithuania in addition to the Nordic countries)
Telecommunication Markets in the Nordic Countries 2011 (PDF)
Telecommunication Markets in the Nordic Countries 2010 (PDF)
Telecommunication Markets in the Nordic Countries 2009 (PDF)
In addition to the report for each year the data from the most recent report can be accessed on a database kept by the Swedish Post- and Telecom Authority (PTS):