Hoppa yfir valmynd

Frequencies and Technial Matters

Frequency planning

The radio spectrum is international and reasonable use of it calls for a close cooperation between all states of the world. Such a cooperation takes place within the International Telecommunications Union. Special World Radio Conferences, WRCs, define and allocate frequency ranges to various services such as sound and television broadcasting, mobile telephony, satellite communications and radio amateur communications. This division of the frequency spectrum and the rules that apply may be found in the ITU Radio Regulations.

Each state has a certain latitude to plan the use of the spectrum within the framework of the Radio Regulations. In Europe state cooperation in this field has increased fast in the last years with Iceland an active participant. The National Table of Frequency Allocation for the range 9 kHz to 400 GHz can be found in the following:

Spectrum                          Updated
0 - 27,5 KHz                      09.07.2024

27,5 - 10.000 MHz           27.12.2024

10 - 400 GHz                    27.12.2024

For more detailed information contact Hordur R. Hardarson

The website www.efis.dk contains information about the use of the frequency spectrum in several European countries including Iceland. Documents that apply in each instance, recommendations, decisions and regulations, have  been linked together and it is possible to access the appropriate document directly.

Frequency assignment

Use of the frequency spectrum for communications is subject to an application process and the assignment of frequencies. Examples are:

Sound and television broadcasting

Mobile communications

Mobile telephone systems

Some frequency bands are meant for a service without separate assignments to individual users e.g.:

Maritime and aeronautical communications

Radioamateur communications

CB, GSM, CT1, PMR446 (See table below)

Low Power Devices (Short Range Devices)

See the latest version of ERC/REC/70-03 Recommendation relating to Short Range Devices (SRD) that applies in Iceland.

Frequencies for CB, GSM, CT1, PMR446

Frequency Use

 26.960 - 27.410 MHz

 CB radio

 446.000 - 446.100 MHz

 PMR 446 -

 446.100 - 446.200 MHz

 PMR 446 -

 1880 - 1900 MHz

Wireless Telephones

 1900 -1980 MHz / 2010 - 2170 MHz


791-821 /
832-862 MHz


 890.000 - 915.000 / 935.000 - 960.000 MHz


 1710.000 - 1785.000 / 1805.000 - 1880.000 MHz


Import of Equipment

According to Law on Electronic communications it is not allowed to place on the market user equipment that does not comply with the essential requirements and bears the CE mark as confirmation.

The law further states that possession of transmitting apparatus for wireless communications, it´s installation or use is subject to the authorization of the Electronic Communications Office of Iceland (ECOI).

Telecommunication equipment meets all conditions for placing on the market if it conforms with the requirements of the RED 2014/53 EU that is also valid in the European Economic Area. Manufacturers of radio equipment and telecommunication terminal equipment carry the responsibility of conformity and in confirmation they shall place the CE mark on the equipment. In the documentation for the equipment it  shall be clearly stated that the CE mark is in confirmation of full compliance with the RED directive. Radio and telecommunications terminal equipment without the CE mark is illegal in Iceland.

The rules above apply to transmitting equipment for all radio communications but additional rules may apply to the marking of equipment depending on the type as follows:

a)Transmitters that employ coordinated frequency bands for which it is not necessary to apply for a permission to own and use the equipment, e.g. GSM and NMT mobile telephones, CB radios, remote controls etc. The equipment must carry the CE mark but no further requirement is made.

b)Transmitters that use other coordinated frequency bands such as radio transceivers, broadcast  transmitters fixed links etc. shall in addition to the CE mark carry either directly or in the documentation a warning mark. The intention with this mark is to draw the attention of the buyer to the possibility that there may be limitations on it´s utilisation, e.g. that it may be necessary to apply for a frequency assigment and/or a special authorisation to make use of the equipment. From the documentation it shall be possible to see if the equipment is intended for use in Iceland.

Manufacturers of telecommunication equipment or their representatives residing in the European Economic Area have full responsibility for the described markings in confirmation that the requirements of the R&TTE Directive are complied with. If that is not the case the responsibility moves to the entity that markets the equipment in Iceland.

Communications equipment in ships and aircraft, for air traffic control and equipment that is used by radioamateurs in accordance with rules that apply to them is not subject to the provisions of the R&TTE Directive.